
[Eng-trans] Nama Panggilan Super Junior

Nama Panggilan Leeteuk:
Teuk, Wingless Angel, Angel Leader, duck, bat, peter pan, 2faced, White Teuk, Leader Vocal, Anger Teuk, PromiTeuk [Promise + Teuk], GorapadukTeuk, Free Road Teuk, TeukSukHee, Maknae-like leader, Jeegoong Teacher, Special Teuk, Breaking News Teuk [TeukJong(breaking news) + Teuk], GazeTeuk [Gazet + Teuk-- Gazet is an manhwa char name], Here Teuk, GaeTeuk [or Dog Teuk / Oil Teuk. GaeTeuk was used by antis to hate on Teuk but heechul made it into meaning Oily Teuk], YunShin Family’s Cutie, Stuck Teuk,
Old man, Stand out Teuk, Park Baram [Baram (wind) can refer to Playboys], Class President Teuk, Old Teuk, Mouth Teuk, Duck Beak, AdulTeuk, Captain, Gag Lover, Squirrel Teuk, Wingless angel who lost his memories, ParkLeeTeuk, SurprisedTeuk, Quick Minded Teuk, Outside Teuk, He is Raccoon’s, Special Guy, King Teuk, Park Doo, Park JJung Su, Park Jjong Shu, JjongTtu, Growing MC, Main MC, Sudden Teuk, LeeDuck, Quick Teuk, Obsession Teuk, Tackle Teuk, sad Teuk, RedTeuk, GirlTeuk, AndreTeuk [Andre Kim is famous fashion designer], Angel Teuk, Mother of all, Park Oil [Also started by Heenim.], Oil, AngelTeuk, Teukki teukki Teukki, Ms Teuk, Teuk Noona, Mrs Teuk, Insoles Teuk, Clothes pin Teuk, Typo Teuk, Ero Teuk, Three MuskeTeuk, Baby Teuk, White Ant, Fried [lol him & his oily skin xD], What Teuk, YaDuck, Wild Beast Teuk, Ohlut, Boss, Special Leader, Jungsookee [It's like those water dispensors...? Idk in eng D:], BabyTeuk, President of Innocent Minds, Soan, GeTeuk [This word also means "Proud of you"], YoungTeuk, Different, Teuk Contact, Most special person in the world, TeukSica, TeukTaengoo [Addin +goo to names give a "dumb" feeling ^^], Scientific Experiment Duck, TeukYonce, Teuk Complaint, Teuk Umsal [Cant find a word in Eng for this.. Umsal is kinda like a whimp..], Park Genius, Park Sagee [Idk if this one is Sagee = Scam, or ParkSa = breaking], Park Manager [Started by EunHae pair xD teuk makes sure the two boys in love doesnt go across the line on stage xD], SmarTeuk
Nama Panggilan Heechul
Rel(hee) [From Cinderella], 10,000 years old, Kim Bi-polar, Kim Cherry, Heenim, Universe Big Star, Cinderella, Heederella, ‘Hand’ nim, Flower, Piccolo [lol dragon ball], Queen, Flower Goddess, Boss of Endorsements, Poisonous Snake, Bread Hee, Lady HeeHee, Heesica, Heebong hyung, Kim Pink, Rella Priest, HeeRoPpyong, 希 [Hanja char for Hee], Kim Heenim, Kim Mechul, Ki Mechol, Heechoree [HwaeChoRee is a stick u get hit w/], Heeit [Hit + Hee], Heechura, Heechuhree, Kim Orange, Kim Petal, Kim Childish, Begger Hee, Kim Hyung, Handsome Grass, WG fan, Cat raising Heechul, Gaegood [Dog + Good. It just is internet slang for Great / Very good], Red haired Chul, Kim Heechul Nice, Heebe, Jingle Jingle Hee, Bread Priest, Sushi Cherry, catHee, Hee brand, Heetru, Heenuhroo, Hee point, Hee dol, KeyRaeHee, GaeChul [Hee kept making fun of Teuk w/ GaeTeuk so Teuk yelled this back to Chul... XD], Heemaker, Gold Bride, Heemonade, HeeTaengGoo, SulHee, Space Big Star, Rella, Evil ghost, Big star of the universe (biggest star of all living beings), Youngest Kim Heechul, Barf Heechul, Erotic Heenim, Pepper Hee, SongHae of Dream Concert [Songhae is a MC for National Singing Contest. The show's been running over 10 yrs & Songhae has been the mc the whole time. Since Hee MCed consecutively in Dream Concert, he got this nickname.]
Nama Panggilan Hangeng
Kyung (Gung), Prince of the big land [Korea has a nickname for China, Big Land ^^], Miracle of 1,300,000,000 , Hawk, ~Gung, HanGung, Visual of 1,300,000,000 , Beijing Fried Rice HanKyung, Angel of Black Dragon, Fuher, Don’t eat… [From EHB xD], Bosam [Food name. It's like a wrap], HanGgung, HanGgut, PyungShinGyung, Handsome Kyung, China Kyung, StopCalling Kyung, Good Son Kyung, Speaks 0 Languages [xDD Geng forgot lots of Chinese when he was in Kor & He spoke partial Kor so he spoke 0 langs xD], Hankyung & Kids, HanKung, Kyung Unni, Martial Arts Kyung, China Boy, Rock Thigh, Always Kim Heechul, Grape Kyung, Kyungdu~, Angel Geng, Became Angel Geng~ [-to become is Ddwaetda & ELF just changed the Da to Geng], Kyung Soup, Fisherman Geng
Nama Panggilan Yesung
Goop [Weird word to refer to Yeye xD] , Normal Person 1 [Lol from SJ Show & OU], Brother, Kim Forget, Spazzing, Slightly…, MePe (Peehaeja of Media) [This means that the media (cameras) doesnt capture his beauty 100% ^^], Jjong (This was Click B’s Oh JongHyuk’s nickname but a Shawol got permission for both Shinee’s Jonghyun & SJ’s Jongwoon), Kim Cloud, Philtrum Click, Kim Danger, Chun Ahn House, Cloud, Gag Yesung, VariYesung [Variety + Yesung], Poppin Yesung, Closing Yesung, Happy Guy, YESsolgae SUNGdae [Vocal cord of an Artist- Meaning of Yesung], Poop Color Power [Cute phrase Yesung used to say], GirlGoop, Good son goop, Funny Pic Goop, Move ur hands off me, Selca Goop, Fishing Goop, Dancing Goop, Trot Goop, Squid Dance Goop, Variety Goop, 30% presence, Side line Goop, Repeating Grade Goop, Good Singer Yesung, YEnungSungdae [Variety Vocal, members say yesung's name actually stands for this instead of artistic voice xD], Sensitive Personality, Goosebump Goop, Backwards Goop, Sexy Goop, Bastard Goop, Strawberry Goop, Editing Goop, Seductive Goop, Kim Yesung, JjongWoonnie, Chongwoon, Chongwoonie, Sandal Goop, Cursing Goop, Eye Goop, Do not Goop [Do not enter -> Do not goop], Goopderella, Director of Happiness, New Rising Star of Endorsements, Gorummee, ChunAn Uljjang, Crazy Dog, Sensitive Goop, Jealous Goop, Yetoongee, Yesoongge, YeSsung, Jungsoon Goop, Hosup Hair goop, Adult, Slim Goop, New wife Goop, Grace Goop, romantic guy, romantic Goop, Example Goop [This one's from EHB. He got the nickname Demonstrator cuz he stood up first for eberything xD], Selca God, Laughing Goop, Parking Helper Goop, Normal Person Yesung, Kim Begger, Mashimaro, Desperate Goop, Gooptastic, ChunAn handsome guy, Singing Yesunggie, Cloud Prince, Rookie, Undefetable Yesung, Artistic Voice, Voice of Art, Chunan Crazy Dog, Philtrum Goop, YeAnger, Yenung, Facial Dance, Bug Collecting Goop, Hong GilGoop, GoopGilDong, GoopLeluja, Kim Boshin, Chunan Spaz, Doesnt go back to dorms, Face Poppin, LickGuy, Cloud Rich, Zombie Goop, Solitary, Solitary Boy, Selca God, ChunAn Philtrum, Illegal Downloading Yesung, Spazz Dance, Presence 30%, Dog lovin Goop, Cute Jjong, Dancing Machine Yesung, MaMingMaeng Father, Shy Jjong, Girl Yesung, pure Jjong, YeNuNim [YeSooNim = Jesus/ Jesus + Yesung], Ye PD, Yeros [Eros + Yesung], beauty, Yerisma [charisma + yesung], Yemupatal [Ommupatal + Yesung], Yemin [Sensitive], YeChoding [choding (Elementary Kid)], YeCamera, Bandwith limit Jjong, Jjong Soup, Jjong bird, Talk talk, Angel Girl YeTi, 824th Dimensional Girl, Example Sex [From UO Season 3 xDD Ye 예 alone means Example/ Sung 성 means Gender or Sex], Yeh Sex [ same as before expt the one before, Junho said in Eng], Goo Yejung, BrocoGoop [Broccoli + Goop], Went for mysterious image but ended up w/ no presence Goop, Starve starve starve [Goop used for his nickname is similar to -To starve], Danger boy, Jongnu (Kim Jongnu)
Nama Panggilan Kangin
Ging, Strength Yungwoon, HongEunDong Raccoon, Bright, Adult Only, Neighborhood Bum, Bluff, Raccoon, Bear, Korean #1 Handsome Guy, GingGumNim [ImGunNim (King) + Ging], Korea #1 Raccoon, Kim Youngchoon, GaeJook, Bear Youngwoon, Cow, Kim Gang member, KanGings, KanGing, Baby Cow, Leather Ging, Gang Member Ging, Manner Ging, Ging Dj, DJ Ging, rude Ging, Kim Pig, When he drinks alcohol-Puppy! [KANGahjee- Puppy] , Teddy Bear, Model Ging, Passionate Ging, Anger Ging, Fire Bear, Ryungwoon, Jeeree Mt Half Moon Bear, Teuk oppa’s Husband [OMFG MY FAVORITE!], Korea #1 singer, DragonWoon,Kim Dragonwoon, Youngwoonie, Adult Raccoon, Adult Kangin, Adult Ging, Rational, Nyungwoon, Kkang, Kanginhan Namja [Kangin means Strong Man], Trustable Guy, Kang-sama, Chest hair Raccoon, KimNyung, Kkajushki [From Intimate note xD], Hong Eundong Bear, Korea #1 Bear, Just bones w/o meat, Kang Nuhdoo, Handsome Girl Ging, Hansome Girl Ging, Rapper Ging, Adult Usage Only, U know i’m ur sunbae?, GingMonade, Gingffany, strong people [UO Season 3 english camp again xD 강 (strong) 인 (hanja for people)]
Nama Panggilan Shindong
Dong, Jaegandoongee, main Visual, Baby Pig, Donggri Dongdong, Ppo Ppo Ppo Dong, dong detective, Gag Dong, Visual Dong, Pork, Pork Guy, Baby Captain, Ero Shindong, Dongfanny, 579, DongDong [lol this is name of a grape juice in korea xD], Humor Dong, DJ Dong, Apple Dong, Judge Dong, Grape DongDong [Full name of the drink i mentioned earlier xD], Easy Dong, Kind dong, White Pig, Flower Pig, Shin DyongHee, Shin Dunghee, ShinDung, ShinJumma, Pumba, Jealous Donghee, dancing Dong, Piglet, human race Dong, Dong DJee, HeeDong, ShinGiver [Mcguyver (i think i spelled this horribly wrong) + Shindong. Nickname given to him b/c he can fix anything!], YoYo Dong [Yoyo is a condition where u gain more weight after u end ur diet], DongYonce, Beef Shindong, Visual Guy, Spaghetti, Snort Appa, Innocent Appa, President of Kids, A god, Bad Boy, Beemance [Beyonce + Beeman (Overweight / Diabetes)], Shindong Gag, Shimdong
Nama Panggilan Sungmin
Min, Desert Fox, MiMi, Normal person 2, Handsome back, Min Fox, Silky Skin, Daughter, MinAri [Min + Byungahri (Baby chicken)], Baby Mimi, Sweet Pumpkin, Cutie, Minimi, Pink Prince, Pink Boy, Byul’s Appa, DJ Mimi, Cute Mimi, Nunchunks mimi, desert fox mimi, fox, foxxmin, Pervy Fox, Cutie, Aegyo guy, Aegyo King, Sweet Pumpkin Fox, Nunchunks, Sparkle min, Typo Min, Half Shaved Min, Feel Min, Cute Min, Gasp Min, Shoot Min, Eye Min, Ruin Min, Aegyo Min, Mini Min, Man at only Upper body, Do Ra Min, Pure Min, Pumpkin Min, Thigh Min, Short Min, Insole Min, Comment Min, Girl Min, Pervert Min, Fanfic Min, Eunsung Min, Radio Min, GamGyul Min, 17Min, Diet Min, Not friends w/ Heenim Min, MinSungmin, Belly min, Arm Min, Bffs with DongHee Min, Gopchang Min [gopchang is food name], Pin up boy min, model min, noona min, hat min, marry min, let’s shower together min, guitar min, pop song min, Elvis Min, 7 octave laugh min, Vocal Imitation Min, Tablo Min, Sister Sea Min, camera Min, Blue Pants Min, Mommppae Min [u can see Momppae example on UO episodes], Fast 86 min, Young looking min, lost min, ryeomin, No presence min, traveler min, fallin min, Siwon Min, one piece min, girl min, Suh Inyeong Min, Pink Min, Star Min, Black hair min, pink mania, Glare min, pure girl min, baby face mimi, vampire mimi, ear mimi, chic mimi, Sweet Pumpkin making Mimi, whale Strength, pure mimi, island mimi, baby chicken, sweet pumpkin min, Min Daniel, gum chewing Sungsoonnie [Intimate note], Small Kangin, Patient Min, Min Gildong, Minpire, Proud Mimi, Oksami [Corn loving mimi], Variety chicken, cincada [Maemi = Mimi w/ manner], Min skills, Rabbit mimi, Sweet pumpkin nation, Hyukjae is stupid, chunji ruined him, Sudden changing Mimi, LeeSungmin’s time goes backwards, Mimi Jjang, MingSunny, PinkMin, CuteeMin, Man 1 [From WGM], Golden Sweet Pumpkin, Sex People [From UO season 3. 성 sung = Sex / Gender ; 민 (Min) = hanja for People], Chu~, MinRaim [Secret Garden Parody], Mim, MinDaniel, BabyMin, BamBam Min, Marylin Minroe
Nama Panggilan Eunhyuk
Hyuk(Jwae~), Hallyu Star, Hyukgoo, Anchovy, Cockroach, Salt Bug, Jewel, Jewelry Guy, Monkey, Gold Hyuk, EunHyok, EunHyoge, Hyok, Hyokjae, BangHyuk, PMP [LOL], Gag man lee Hyukjae, Trot Hyuk, Wolf Hyuk, Pervert Wolf Hyuk, KangTeuk’s #1 Fan, Horse Head Hyuk, Playing House Hyuk, Strawberry Milk, Upper body is Wonbin, Sauna Hyuk, EunHyukDae, Cheap, Sad, Gum [In mouth] Hyuk, ELF’s #1 Fan, ApGooHyuk, Wild Monkey, Ero Hyuk, Porn Hyuk, Dance Hyuk, Eun Teacher, Asia’s Anchovy, TablHyuk [Tablo + Hyuk], Hamburger Hyuk, Cry baby, Muscle Anchovy, rapper hyuk, suit hyuk, hyukgoo, eunhyukjae, self shining jewlery, Dumb Hyukgoo, Hyukgae, Shocking, Porn Hyuk, Hyujae, EunGalchi, Kind Eunja-ssi [Intimiate note], dancing machine Eunja-ssi, end of 2faced, dancing anchovy, Hyok Dj, party in the Hyukja, Rising star of Endorsements, Younger Killer, EunBin, Hallyu, Caveman, HyukJaeWonder, HyoHyuk, HyukYonce, World Anchovy, Man #2 [WGM], Hyukjinee, Silver Belt [UO Season 3: 은Eun = silver 혁= belt], HyukBin, Heenim’s Bff, SJ’s main dancer, Sprouts Hyuk, EunTyrone, Marilyn Hyuk, Marilyn HyukRoe, Marilyn Anchovy, Dried Anchovy, Lee HyukJack, EunGod
Nama Panggilan Donghae
Hae (Hwae), Pinoccio, Tiger, Nemo, Fish, Fly, Sparkle, MaenChaNam (Maenal Chaeenun Namja [Guy who gets breaked up often]), HaeCutie, Sea Appa, Fart Hae, Feesh, Feesh Hae, Mokpo Uljang, HaeJook, Road Ppong, Donghai (Ddonghai~), Hae unni, Donggoo, ’1′ shaped smile, Sea Father, Meho appa, Dung Hae, Light Hae, Mokpo Dragon Uljang, Sensitive, Mona LiHae, ELF fan Hae, Side Line Hae, EunHae mother, Shy, Hae Noona, Hyuk’s Wife [YES!], Feeling Hae, Lee Donghae has arrived, Aegyo Hae, Hyuk’s girl, Mona LiHwae, Choding Hae, Love Hwae, Mokpo Handsome guy, Chic Hae, Uljang Hae, Yunho’s mother, Small, Dinosaur, Lee Soonhae, Butterfly Hae, Hae-ccup Hae-ccup, Straight face Hae, Hae Kindergardner, Hae president of Hae World, Hae-mouse, Dizzy Dizzy, Plant World President, HaeYonce, Sun Rising, Hae Gag, YunHae, Lee Boss, Man #3 [WGM], East Sea [UO 3], East Sun [UO 3: 동 - East / 해 - In hanja: Sea ; In normal korean, Sun], Shop Guy, Lee DongHaek, National Pure boy, Son of the sea.
Nama Panggilan Siwon
Sun (시’s ㅅ + 원’s ㅓㄴ), Cola Dukhoo, Joker, Simba, Global Face, Gentleman, Someday, Bodyguard, Siwonner, Wanja, Choi Mario, Gesture, MannerSun, King of gestures, Alien, congratulation, asia face, choi butter, margarine Choi, Siwooner, choi siwooner, lodaeng Sun, Shunny, choi gesture, Gesture choi, Handsome like statue, prince, choi handsome, Jesus fan, Prince Sun, Tall Sun, Horse, Photo shoot life, Feel Sun, Actor Sun, Asia Star, Ma Sun, Sehonma (Sesang honja salaganun masun [Ma Sun living in the world alone]), world wide face, choi serious, choi joker, selfish tall height, ma trio, mabocop [Ma [horse] + Robot cop], gentleman man, Suntyrous, Sunner, Abs Handsome Boy, Mommynator, Ma-piderman, MartMan, Mopper Man, Ma-ionman, Margarine Butter + Jam + Jam + Siwon + me nom nom, Ma Glass, Mahu, BethoMa, MaPaeng, maBerute, MaSiwon, Snsd manager, choi doctor, pastor, ghost sun, ma shi, mashimaro, mabo [Ma + babo], Choi Sun, rated 10, Choi God [Shared w/ Choi Minho / Max Changmin's fandom], Neon Underwear Sun, Neon Undie, NeonGreen Sun, Glow in dark pantee sun, Kimbap Choi Siwon
Nama Panggilan Ryeowook
Ryuk, Flower snake, Singing Skills, Jumma Ryeowook [Other fandoms! Don't use any Jumma-! It's ours!], trending handsome guy, Poo, Ms Kim, Self Proclaimed Handsome Guy, Rank #1, CutieRyuk, Dance Ryuk, Ryeonggoo, Vice President Ryuk, Standby Ryuk, Bff Ryuk, Ryukkarisweat [Parody from a drink, Pocari Sweat], happy pissed ryuk, bone wook, Hae’s fan, Ryeowookkie, Moon HeeRyuk, Choding Ryuk, Bada’s fan, endolphin, former maknae, Kid, Dorm’s aunt, SES fan, Heaven’s voice, HD hyung, Poodle, RyeongAhri [Ryeowook + Baby Chicken], Ryeowook the Grace, RyeoNa, Ryeonggu’s passion, BeatRyeok, Pure Ryuk, Incheon Kim Ryuk, Kim Power, Straight face Ryuk, Ryuk Bot, Great singing skills, RyukRain, SuRyuk, RyukStin, Short Ryuk, Moment Ryuk, Sudden Spaz, Cookin Ryuk, *Gravity, Force, Convincing , judging, choosing, imagining, creativity, army, calendar, super human strength, breaking, magnetic, Fire, Wind, Radio Active, Movement, ability, person, Experience, Economical status* [* to * all end in Ryuk in Korean], Ryuk-Rino [Bellerino + Ryuk], Sandul Ryuk, Ryuk Sweet Potati, 1 vs 9 Ryuk, Chicken Ryuk, Dancing Machine Ryuk, Smirk Ryuk, Pumpkin Potato, solitary ryuk, ryu-uk, nyuhwook, Kim Nyuhwook, Ryeowook Potter, witty, RyukWook, RyukkWoook, RyeongguSider [Ryeonggoo + Outsider], Bean sprouts Ryuk, Corn Chip Ryuk, Handsome Ryuk, Already bitten Ryeowook, Ryuk noodles, Gangnam Ajumma, Kim hwa gwa [Kim Ryeowook's Hwaryuhhan(amazing) gwaguh(past)], Harry PoRyuk, PotterRyuk, Ryukttee Ryuktte, true true kim true ryeong true true true?, 1:9, Foyoyo [Wook's Japanese nckname], Donghae’s #1 fan. Orange Wook, High Kick wook, High Wook, Original Maknae, RyoWuk, Hyungsik’s hyung kim ryeowook, Maknae’s gravity, Ryeonggoo on top, Ryeongdulae [Ryeong + Mindulae(flower)]
Nama Panggilan Kibum
Bum, kibom, Keybom, KeyBum [This one is shared w/ Shinee's Key], Gibomme, Bummie [Shared w/ Shinee's Key], KeyBuhMe, Snow White, SnowWhBum, Begger Kibum, Fighter bum, Shoeless bum, KeyFferme, flip bum, quiet bum, beard bum, sleep bum, Muscle bum, Shy bum, honey bum, smile bum, actor bum, sleepin bum, snow petal bum, nobel bum, part bum, do ra mi fa so la si do Bum, kim kimuk, 1 bum, kim forget, drinker bum, angel bum, choding bum, jungding bum [jungding = middle schooler], Quietly On Top Bum, Gag Bum, Boy Bum, Ajusshi Bum, Manner Bum, kibome, Adult Bum, swollen eyes bum, ELF bum, Christian Bum, Killer smile, GiroroBum , Prayer bum, solitary bum, ki-kid bum, Armpit hair bum, nostril hair bum, yuri fan bum, teacher bum, stress bum, pose bum, Kang’s friend, ghost, keep, kibupme, V bum, Power ranger bum, Sleepy bum, no work, Sageebum [Lol... This trans to Scammer], Saengba [please let us know ur alive], MoonWalkNam [Asked to do moonwalk- just walks instead], Kim grandfather, bum country, rejector, Boy, Gramps Bum, Monkey Bum
Nama Panggilan Super Junior
Shuj, Fan Luv [Fan sarang or Fan love is taken by SS501. FanLuv is ELF's], Love Back, Stupid for Fans, Army Dancing Idols, Perfect Sync Dance Idol, Showing Affection, HumbleJunior, SuperAdult, Adult Junior, Big Baby, Quick & Strong boys, ELFisBestFan, Husbands working outside the house, Gag Junior, Gagdols [Gag + idols], Mature Junior [Word used here trans to "Adult" but since that's up there alrdy, i used diff word--]( this is shared with cassiopeia), CD Junior, Friendly Junior, Bowing Junior/Introduction Junior (Respctive~ / Introduction~ nicknames r shared w/ TripleS), ELF loving Junior, Big Group Junior, MeToo Junior, Loose Junior, Funny Junior, Young looking Junior, Handsome Junior, swab Junior, World Junior, ~Tizen, ~Tolee, ~Effect, ~(tw)itter, ~(byung) ari [t/n: baby chicken aka chic], Peek a boo~, Original~, Mambo (NEVER STEAL THIS), Kwang Gyaeto King of Hallyu, ~moticon, Temple Junior, Folder Junior, Fight~ (Fighting + member member), TeaserDol, Sujgarak Ghost [Suju + soot garak [spoon]], Promoting junior, Typo Junior, Sujdolee [Suju + Shoot Dolle [a cartoon char name]], Cell splitting Junior, Suj Effect, Suj Boom, Variety King Dol, Insoles Dol, Insoles Junior, NewPerJunior, CDal Junior (Cereal + CD), Trot Dol, Tall Suj, ~Drum, Sujlidium, first idol trot singers, World Junior, Suj-ish, Suj-feeling, Suj-crazy, Suj-loud Suj-Loud [SshiKkul is fx for people talking loudly. Suju + kkul], ELFloving Junior, Village, Super Junior [normal way to spell them is w/ 슈 but here uses 수. Super (수퍼) here refers to supermarket], Gopeelgae (Gag that requires knowledge), Dapeelgae (Gag u need an iron for), Su-H (Super Junior Haengsa [Event]), S(x) [fx + suju], Attempting Gag, Fart Junior, Soul Junior, Ttabong Junior [Ttabong means best. It's another internet word like Daebak], MR Junior, Donut Junior, Nod Junior, World Big Star [Hee's nickname too xD], Moonbangsawoo (Moonbang Heechul + Sawoo Kangin + Eunhyuk. Off of a variety show), Vocal Line (SJ KRY, also called SuKry), S.D.S (SaDaSa [cheap], Shindong + Donghae + Sungmin), Fox Hole [this is what they called Sungmin&Ryeowook's room when they used to share it durin rookie days], ET (Leeteuk + Eunhyuk), Iljin Junior [Iljin is a gang in korea], Mamma Junior [Mamma is babyish word for Food], Board Junior, Common Knowledge Dol (TripleS used this first & We share it), Hallyu President, Grand Slam Junior, Movie Actor Junior, Mimbuh (Same nickname as Mambo), SuJumma [Super Jr + Ajumma], Rain Junior, Sasaeng Tolerant, Jiggle Dol
*Still Update*
Source: [본격슈주핥는] 첫번째닭강정 
Eng-trans by: NAYA NKsubs (NKSubs) 
via : shinningsuju

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